“Parents Rising” Book Review

I recently had the privilege of being a part of another book launch team, and wow, this book really made me think. I read Parents Rising: 8 Strategies for Raising Kids Who Love God, Respect Authority, and Value What’s Right by Arlene Pellicane. In this quick and practical read, Pellicane is calling parents to rise up again, and take their rightful place of authority in their home, as society is shifting and putting more emphasis on self-indulgence and gratification, and less emphasis on structure and respecting authority.

Being a mom with young children, I’m constantly filled with questions, concerns, and a whole lot of doubt when it comes to raising my children. I loved reading this book because it reminded me that I’m not alone in these struggles, that so many of us have experienced and are experiencing that insecurity every day. And with living in such a “media-driven” world, it’s easy to become distracted and complacent when it comes to being an authority in our homes, and how, especially today, God is left out of the equation and not at the center of our lives.

Pellicane gives practical and relevant strategies and advice when it comes to child-rearing, and her credibility shines through her writing; she’s right in the thick of it with us! She relates funny stories and examples from her own family as she presents each strategy, and backs up her information with sound evidence from credible sources.

I highly recommend this book! A great, quick read that will leave an impression on you and your loved ones. Visit ArlenePellicane.com to find out more. ParentsRising1

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